
I’m talking to my friends but I take out my phone. Nervously, urgently, I refresh my email. The email that will change my life is not there yet. A wave of disappointment washes over me. It is not there yet. I will have to wait longer, continue to have my conversations, go to sleep, eat, continue doing all the mundane things. I am fulfilling these tasks and I am content, because I know one day it will all change. I will get the email and I am going to become a new person, I will say goodbye to friends and family, I am going to say goodbye to my house, I will say goodbye to my body because I will get all the things anew after the email. It is going to be great, I know it. The email will look like this: bold letters, the name of the sender filled with underlaying meaning, the subject simple, something like; ‘proposition’. The email will stand out from all the junk, the quality of it will be as if it was on actual paper.